Home Health

Category : Health

home remedies for cold in summer

Due to the changing weather, people have to face problems like cold and cough, etc. It is common to have a cold and cough in the cold season, but people have to face problems like cold and cold even in the summer season.

When people have a cold in the summer season it can bother you a lot. In the summer season, you may have to face frequent sneezing, cough and stomach upset due to cold. But if you have a fever, cold, stuffy nose, sore throat, etc., contact your doctor immediately.

Ways to Prevent Disease (and To Live Your Healthiest Life)

Health is wealth. This common saying holds a lot of weight because it has truth behind it.

  •  Make healthy food choices

“For good health and disease prevention, avoid ultra-processed foods and eat homemade meals prepared with basic ingredients,”.
Ultra-processed food includes: 

White bread.
Granola or protein bars.
Breakfast cereals.
Instant oatmeal.
Coffee creamers.

“Most foods that come in a package have more than five ingredients or have ingredients that you cannot pronounce. Many foods labeled as diet, healthy, sugar-free or fat-free can be bad for you.”

  • Get your cholesterol checked

When checking your cholesterol, your test results will show your cholesterol levels in milligrams per decilitre. It’s crucial to get your cholesterol checked because your doctor will be able to advise you on how to maintain healthy levels, which in turn lowers your chances of getting heart disease and stroke.

Come explore the­ face mask wonders for a bright, fresh face­.

Top Face Mask Products Targe­ting Brilliant Skin: Find the best of the be­st in facial mask products, aiming to boost your skincare regimen. Go through pie­ces that underline the­ top face masks, packed with nature-frie­ndly elements, strong antioxidants, and cre­ative recipes, offe­ring an assorted mix for all kinds of skin issues.


How Can I Get Rid of Stretch Marks Forever?

What exactly are stretch marks?

Stretch marks (striae or striae distensae) are scars on the skin that have a pinkish or whitish hue and appear when your skin stretches or shrinks rapidly.
Collagen is a protein found beneath your skin that makes it more elastic and provides support. Stretch marks may appear on your skin as your skin attempts to heal any abrupt change or tear in your skin collagen.
They frequently appear on your stomach, arms, breasts, back, shoulders, torso, hips, buttocks, or thighs. These grooves or lines are neither painful nor dangerous. However, some people may feel self-conscious about their appearance. They become less noticeable over time.


If you study for a long time, then know the right way to sit

The month of February and March is the exam season. Obviously, children must have been engaged in its preparation from now on, and for this, sitting for a long time, studies will also be done.

It is necessary to sit for a long time for studies, but along with it take care of the right posture. Otherwise, there may be other health problems.

It is often seen that children study by bending or sitting in the wrong way, that too for a long time. This can cause pain or another discomfort in the back, arms, shoulders, and knees. If the seating area is arranged properly, then they will not face much difficulty.

Benefits of Shashankasana and How to Do it .

Body positions known as asanas can help to stabilise both the body and the psyche. Since the word "shashank" in Shashankasana refers to the moon, it is also known as the moon position. Sasakasana is also known as.  Shashankasana is also known as the hare position. Sasaka is the Sanskrit word for hare or rabbit,

Here are the foods you must eat to recover faster from dengue

Monsoon is here, and that means it’s the time when mosquitoes cause all kinds of diseases!  Dengue and malaria are two of the most common diseases that wreak havoc. Unfortunately, those who suffer from dengue experience gut-wrenching pain, high fever, and weakness. In the worst cases, the recovery takes months. But you will be glad to know that there is a specific dengue diet, which can help recover faster.


  • Papaya leaves

If someone has suffered from dengue at home, you must have heard of papaya leaves being advised to them. That’s because with dengue, our platelet count drops drastically, and papaya leaves can help in bringing that back to normal. They can be consumed in the form of juice. Interestingly, they also help in boosting immunity, so that you recover faster from dengue.

गर्भावस्था के दौरान शरीर में कई हार्मोनल बदलाव होते हैं जिससे महिलाओं के अंगों में भी परिवर्तन होते हैं

गर्भावस्था में डायबिटीज से ग्रसित गर्भवती महिलाओं का नॉर्मल ब्लड शुगर लेवल खाने से पहले 95 mg/dl और खाने के दो घंटे बाद 120 mg/dl से कम होना चाहिए।

क्या अपने नाखूनों को आपस में रगड़ने से वास्तव में आपकी सेहत में सुधार हो सकता है? ये रहा आपका जवाब

बालायम योग या नाखून रगड़ना एक तरह का योग है, जिससे हम सभी परिचित हैं, लेकिन शायद हम लोगों में से बहुत कम लोग जानते हैं कि इसे करने से बालों का झड़ना कम हो सकता है। वास्तव में, योग गुरु स्वामी बाबा रामदेव ने उल्लेख किया है कि बालों की समस्याओं के लिए बालायाम सबसे अच्छा प्राकृतिक उपचार है। नेल रबिंग एक्सरसाइज या बालयम योग एक ऐसा अभ्यास है जिसे योग और रिफ्लेक्सोलॉजी दोनों के रूप में मान्यता प्राप्त है और कुछ आश्चर्यजनक लाभों के लिए जाना जाता है। बालयम शब्द दो शब्दों 'बाल' से बना है जिसका अर्थ है बाल और 'व्यायम' का अर्थ है व्यायाम और इस प्रकार, इस अभ्यास को स्वाभाविक रूप से आपके बालों की गुणवत्ता में सुधार करने के सर्वोत्तम तरीकों में से एक माना जाता है।

Face Masks Advantages for Various Skin Types

Masks have long been a core part of skincare regimes, providing an array of desired solutions to improve and cleanse skin types of different levels of sensitivity. One has that from the vegetation and dehydration to oiliness and hypersensitivity there are different skin types presented, hence each type needs a different formula to be at their peak of a performance. In this comprehensive guide, the various advantages for the personalized face masks that can be used for dry, oily and sensitive skin types will be discussed. The appropriate facial mask choice will result in an optimal skin care regimen that addresses the skins needs uniquely and creates a glow that is enviable.The Best Face Masks for Dry Skin: Moisturizing and Nourishing Kinds of BalancingDry skin can be identified by touch as dry, tight or flaky skin. It may feel rough and uncomfortable. Enriched and sustained by face masks with a high content of hydrating and nourishing ingredients, which promote the replenishing of moisture, restoration of elasticity, and improvement of the skins texture on dry skin. Here are some key benefits of face masks for dry skin:Here are some key benefits of face masks for dry skin:1. Intense Hydration: Moisturizing face masks are tailored to be embellished with elements like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, and ceramides which the skin readily absorb hence cling and hold moisture to it. These masks give the skin the big hydrating push, that it feels enveloped with fluid and to the touch, is soft, supple and plump.2. Nourishment and Repair: A lot of what we d considered a moisturizing dry skin mask consisted of replenishing ingredients such as avocado, shea butter, and vitamin E that restored the skins structure and infused it with needed nutrients. They supply prolonged hydration which, in turn, enables proper skin renewal and restoration.3. Soothing and Calming: Skin that is dry can sometimes be a problem if it becomes sensitive and also irritated this is usually when there is unfavourable weather conditions or after exposure to environmental stress. Masks for hydrating the face with soothing ingredients such as lace, salvia, and chamomile can help deal with inflammation and inflammation but also will alleviate redness or provide instant relief for skin which is irritated and dry.

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