सर्दियों में गुड़ खाने के इतने सारे फायदे - चेहरे का निखार बढ़ाने में भी कारगर

नेचुरल मिठाई के नाम से पहचाना जाने वाला गु़ड़ न सिर्फ खाने में स्वादिष्ट है बल्कि सेहत के लिए भी खज़ाने के जैसा है, सर्दियों में गुड़ पॉवर बूस्टर का काम करता है। गुड़ में शरीर को गर्माहट देने की शक्ति मौजूद होती है जिसकी वजह से इसे सर्दियों में खाने की राय दी जाती है। ये ह्यूमन बॉडी के तापमान को न सिर्फ रेगुलेट करता है बल्कि उसे डिटॉक्सिफाई भी करता है। 10 ग्राम गुड़ में 38 कैलोरी होती है। गुड़ का इस्तेमाल त्वचा को निखारने और कई परेशानियों में भी कारगर है। 

Interested in making your own charcoal mask? Take a Look at These 3 Recipes

Activated charcoal is a colourless, odourless powder created from ordinary charcoal that has been heated. When charcoal is heated to a high temperature, tiny pockets or holes emerge, making it incredibly absorbent.
Activated charcoal has been found in studies to pull toxins from the body due to its absorbent properties. As a result, it's often employed in the treatment of poisonings and drug overdoses to absorb toxins in the stomach.
Activated charcoal is also becoming increasingly popular in cosmetics and skin care products. Although there isn't much proof to back up the usage of activated charcoal for skin health, anecdotal evidence does appear to support its efficacy.
While charcoal masks can be purchased, they can also be made at home. In this article, we'll go over the process for producing a DIY charcoal mask, as well as a few recipe variants to try.


Importance Of Saree In Indian Culture

India is a country of numerous dialects, innumerable traditions, a myriad of attires, and diverse forms of worshipping God.

“Despite having different conventions and distinct traditions, India has kept its identity intact.”

Though there is a great deal of variation in beliefs, languages, attires, and customs, yet there is an underlying connecting link binding the whole of India together as a complete whole.

क्या सोते समय वजन कम करना संभव है? नींद और वजन के बीच क्या संबंध है?

बढ़ता वजन कई बीमारियों का घर होता है। अधिक वजन उच्च रक्तचाप, मधुमेह, हृदय रोग, घुटने की परेशानी और अन्य बीमारियों से जुड़ा हुआ है। देश और दुनिया भर में कई लोग वजन कम करने के लिए तरह-तरह के उपाय करते हैं। आप भी इसके लिए मेहनत करते होंगे,  लेकिन क्या फैट आपके शरीर से जाने का नाम नहीं लेता? नतीजतन, यह संभव है कि आपकी नींद को दोष दिया जाए। हां, कई अध्ययनों के अनुसार, एक अच्छी और गहरी नींद लेने से आपको अपना वजन कम करने में मदद मिलेगी।

You Need These 10 Fitness Products Now That Youre Working Out

1. These 5-kg hexagonal dumbbells are the most simple but effective piece of exercise equipment. They are simple to grasp because of their form, so you won't regret spending $2,699 on them.

Strong-stay Makeup For Anytime You Feel Like Going Glam at the Gym

Sweat-proof makeup is your best buddy if you enjoy sports and working out. It can't torture you if it doesn't melt, after all. This is the procedure.

1.Focus on the preparation because it is the most important component of this look (and, next, the base). Cleanse your skin thoroughly (ideally with a mattifying face wash) to minimise sebum production. To tighten the pores, use a toner that best suits your skin next. 

Natural Methods for Getting Rid of Dark Knees and Elbows

Dark knees and elbows might be caused by an accumulation of dead skin cells, friction, excessive sun exposure, or a hormonal imbalance. Because certain areas of our bodies lack oil glands, it's critical to protect them from dryness through good care and hygiene.
We present simple yet highly efficient strategies for nourishing your skin and removing dark areas


चेहरे और त्वचा पर नारियल तेल के फायदे

ऐसा माना जाता है कि यह आपकी त्वचा की सुरक्षात्मक बाधा परत को मजबूत करने, तरल पदार्थ को भीतर रखने और आपकी त्वचा को कोमल और नम रखने में मदद करके जलयोजन में सुधार करता है। चूंकि नारियल का तेल कच्चे नारियल या सूखे नारियल के गुच्छे से उत्पन्न वसा है, इसलिए इसके गुण इसे विशेष प्रकार की त्वचा के लिए मॉइस्चराइजर के रूप में उपयोगी बनाते हैं।

Your Newborn: 30 Tips for the First 30 Days

Hints for Nursing

बच्चे खाते हैं और खाते हैं। हालाँकि प्रकृति ने आपको और आपके बच्चे को सही उपकरण उपलब्ध कराने का बहुत अच्छा काम किया है, लेकिन शुरुआत में यह आपकी अपेक्षा से अधिक कठिन होने की गारंटी है। गले में खराश से लेकर सख्त लैच-ऑन तक, नर्सिंग भारी लग सकती है।

1. Women who seek help have a higher success rate

न्यू यॉर्क शहर में एक स्तनपान सलाहकार स्टेसी ब्रोसनन का सुझाव है, "आपके जन्म देने से पहले सफलता सुनिश्चित करने के तरीकों के बारे में सोचें।" उन दोस्तों के साथ बात करें जिनके पास एक अच्छा नर्सिंग अनुभव था, बेबी के बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ से स्तनपान सलाहकार की संख्या के लिए पूछें, या ला लेचे लीग (नर्सिंग सहायता समूह) की बैठक में भाग लें

Creating Radiance: An All-Inclusive Guide to Taking Care of Your Lips in Your Beauty Routine

The Canvas of Expression: The delicate and expressive lines on our lips are a major component of the beauty of our faces. Beyond their beauty, healthy lips accentuate our facial expressions, enveloping warm, self-assured smiles. Let's examine the components of a successful lip care regimen to guarantee that your lips continue to be a work of art.


Revealing Beautiful: Handling the the magazine of Designer Clothing

The Art of Haute Couture: Creating Flexible Art Haute couture, where clothes are carefully created by talented artisans, is the height of designer fashion. Explore the world of unique creations, where designers experiment with materials and techniques to produce wearable art. Discover the exclusivity, fine craftsmanship, and attention to detail that make haute couture an experience of unmatched luxury.

Force for Change Using Modeling to Promote Environmental Problems

In the ever-changing world of fashion modeling, another fascinating development is currently taking place in it. Fashion models are now using their positions more than ever before to champion the cause of environment-friendly fashion by raising awareness about crucial environmental problems and supporting green brands. This comprehensive guide examines the central role played by models in pushing for eco-activism across the fashion industry, profiles some inspiring individuals leading different initiatives, and provides practical advice to models on incorporating sustainability into their careers.

Models as Environmental AdvocatesFashion models have a wide platform that stretches across several millions through social media, runways, and advertisements across the globe. It is therefore important that they are conscientious about this power she has in her hands and many are doing so by going green. What follows are some ways through which these persons make a difference

Essential tips for girls in (Hindi)

1. छोटा शुरू करें

जितना अधिक आप व्यायाम को अपनी दिनचर्या में शामिल करेंगे, यह उतना ही अधिक स्वाभाविक (और आसान) बन जाएगा। हर किसी के पास अलग-अलग कार्यक्रम, जिम्मेदारियां और प्रेरणा स्तर होते हैं। तो, रहस्य छोटे से शुरू करना और वहां से निर्माण करना है। इस तरह आप अभिभूत महसूस करने से बच सकते हैं - जो आपको पूरी तरह से काम करने से रोक सकता है।

नाखूनों की देखभाल और, नाखूनों को चमकदार कैसे बनाएं

नाखूनों की साफ-सफाई और मजबूती के बिना परफेक्ट शेप नहीं मिल सकता। अगर आप भी अपने टूटते नाखूनों या फिर उनकी बेजान रंगत से परेशान हैं तो अब टेंशन छोड़ दीजिए। इन टिप्स के जरिए घर पर ही नाखूनों की अच्छी देखभाल की जा सकती है और मनचाहा शेप मिल सकता है। अगर आप भी सुंदर और लंबे नाखून चाहती हैं तो इसका खास ख्याल रखने की जरूरत है। लेकिन इसके लिए पार्लर जाकर पैसे खर्च करने की जरूरत नहीं। आप घर पर ही कुछ घरेलू उपाय करके पा सकती हैं खूबसूरत नाखून।

How to Get Rid of Freckles: 18 Methods

Freckles can't be ignored, whether you love them or despise them. But, you should be aware that having freckles truly makes you unique before you consider how to get rid of them. How? Well, MC1R, a gene that governs skin and hair colour and how much of the two types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin) your body generates, 

Life Style
Arranged marriage

Arranged marriage is a type of marital union where the bride and groom are primarily selected by individuals other than the couple themselves, particularly by family members such as the parents. In some cultures, a professional matchmaker may be used to find a spouse for a young person.


Changing Beauty Standards by accept Difference in Fashion Modeling

Inclusivity and diversity have become the norm in today’s fashion industry, a contrasting move from what was experienced earlier. No longer does the world of beauty adhere to one specific kind of beauty. Fashion modeling has since released itself from stereotypes and begun celebrating different body shapes, races, gender, or sexual orientation. This article examines the profound change towards modeling inclusions; including diverse demographics in models who challenge conventional notions of what is beautiful and inclusive catwalks at major fashion events.

The Rise of Diversity in Fashion:The fashion industry has long been criticized for being homogenous with models looking like clones of each other. However, this trend is slowly changing to more inclusionary practices lately. Brands nowadays are engaging models with various backgrounds who represent different kinds of bodies (from size 0 to 20), Africans, elderly people, paraplegics etc.This phenomenon is not simply a fad but an indication of transformed societal beliefs and values. As such consumers media that reflects their own lives leading them to push for greater diversity within the fashion industry as well as other sectors such as film and advertising

Foundations That Will Help You Achieve Glowing Skin

The majority of us now choose a glowy makeup look all year long, not only on warm days, thanks to beauty influencers and celebrities. Indeed, highlighters are crucial for achieving the glazed donut effect, but guess what? A strong base is essential to achieving the ideal image. And using a sturdy, faultless foundation is the simplest technique to do it. Here are few that we suggest:

Natural Home Remedies for Arthritis and Its Symptoms

Arthritis can occur in men, women, and children of all age groups. Arthritis can be of different kinds; while it primarily affects joints, it can also occur in organs like your heart, eyes, and skin. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. An early diagnosis can help you start the treatment early, which will help you prevent the condition from worsening or causing permanent joint damage. In addition, there are plenty of home remedies that you can use to manage your symptoms and live a less painful life.

6 natural face masks you must try for beautiful skin this monsoon

The monsoon season has arrived, and with it a myriad of skin issues. The skin becomes more sensitive during the monsoon and may react badly to the humidity and dampness in the air. Therefore, if you want to keep your skin healthy and shining throughout the rainy season, it becomes even more important to take additional and really good care of it. 


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